The Cryptonix Project

The Cryptonix Project, is not new, it is not unique even, but it still is vital as any other [dis]organization. We are an open source, ad-hoc, decentralized project aimed at keeping information free and accessible to all individuals, regardless of age, social class, birth or place of residence, religion, or political affiliation.

We are technologists, we are mathematicians, cryptographers, software and data engineers, hobbyists, punks, artists, curious seekers, poets, activists, journalists, surrounded by data, and guided by the principle of connectivity. Freedom of Expression is a right granted to all human beings by the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights Article 19. However, we believe a simple summary is best done through Article 10 of the United Kingdoms Human Rights Act:

"Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers."

To Cryptonix, we have summarized these in our view, to mean

The right to express and receive information, aloud or through the following means:

However, many of those in seats of authority, whether political, or entrepreneurial, do not share or condone these views. They believe, information, and the right to access and share it should be governed and regulated with egregious oversight. In some cases, particularly within the entrepreneurial aspect, should be monetized and made for profit.

This We Do Not Stand By